

unsig.info is an effort to gather the growing body of knowledge about unsigned_algorithms into one place, as a launchpad for further exploration.

It is the goal of unsig.info to create easy to use tools, accessible content, and consistent language that will grow understanding and appreciation of unsigned_algorithms, with its community and future collectors in mind.


The data presented on unsig.info is the result of 10 months and hundreds of hours of independent research based on data from various sources, including Alexander Watanabe, unsig007 and Mar5man, Kelumax, and the TokenLoupe team.


unsig.info is the creation of Redegg, who minted five unsigs in July 2021 and joined the unsigned_algorithms community a month later. 

Much of the data as published on unsig.info is the product of cooperation and collaboration with the TokenLoupe team: Grancho, NyteLyte, and CryptoMatt. Their insights into the collection, as well as those of Eva Gingr and Daniel, were critical to the completion of this work. 

An enormous debt of gratitude is owed to Kelumax, who kicked off the unsigned_algorithms data analysis effort before minting was even complete. His spreadsheet with property and output color rarities and rankings made possible all of the data presented on unsig.info.

Special thanks to Alexander Watanabe for being supportive of this effort, for the intro to Python, and for sharing his work with the world. 

Much appreciation for Mar5man and unsig007, for the wealth of readily available unsigned_algorithms data in the Discord server, as well as generous help in thinking through some ideas and concepts.

Collectors that shared their unsigs on this site are: @nusigs, @nytelyte, @grancho, @cryptomatt, @onetrippyplanet, @artaddict69, @marcioseo, @bluveni_ko, @theadamoth, @nofeetsnosweets, and @adaboy98669717.


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