unsig #-----

Full size image
Properties Colors Forms Matchability Rarity unsig007

Property 1: [prop 1]

Property 2: [prop 2]

Property 3: [prop 3]

Property 4: [prop 4]

Property 5: [prop 5]

Property 6: [prop 6]


Key: Color | Distribution | Rotation | Multiplier

Minted on [unsig mint date]


All unsigs were minted between May 28, 2021 and July 29, 2021. The mint date is the date on which a given unsig was minted.

Each unsig has between 0-6 properties. Each property contains 4 parameters:

color | distribution | rotation | multiplier

To learn more please check out Anatomy of an unsig

Each unsig has between 0-3 forms. The way the forms are arranged relative to one another is its geometry.

There are 173 geometries, and each has a code, labeled as:

number of forms – ID

Some forms are easily recognizable and have names, such as Windmills, Diamonds, etc.

OC stands for Output Colors, which are the visible colors in an unsig. Each unsig has between 1-64, which all vary in rarity.

The number of OC is how many visible colors there are.

The number of OC count is how many unsigs in the collection have that number of OC. For example, if an unsig has 10 colors and there are 48 unsigs in the collection that have 10 colors, then the Number of OC count would be 48.

Color cluster is a group of unsigs with closely aligned color combinations, created through a machine learning algorithm called k-nearest neighbor. Sometimes multiple clusters have similar colors, but the cluster your unsig is in has the most closely aligned proportions.

One characteristic of unsigs is that all of them match on at least one side with another unsig.

Matchability is the number of matches an unsig has on each side as well as in total. Some unsigs have many matches, some have very few. The most matches an unsig can have in total is 513, the fewest is 16. 

Average rarity of the parameter combinations in an unsig, ranked against all others in the collection. There are 19,167 distinct results into which all unsigs fall.

Average rarity of the top 6 colors in an unsig, ranked against all other in the collection. There are 170 distinct results into which all unsigs fall.

This rank is the frequency with which an unsig with a given number of properties appears in the collection. Including #00000, there are 7 distinct counts, into which all unsigs fall.

Example: There are 15 unsigs with 1 property, and 492 with 2 properties. All of the unsigs with 1 property will have rank 2/7, all those with 2 properties will have rank 3/7, etc.

The number of times a given geometry appears in the collection, ranked against the number of times other geometries appear. There are 70 distinct counts, into which all geometries fall.

Example: Geometries 2F-048, 2F-049, 2F-050, and 2F-051 each appear in the collects 162 times, so all unsigs with one of those geometries will have the same rank.

The number of times a given number of OCs appears, ranked against the number of times other OCs appear. There are 37 distinct counts, into which all number of OCs fall.

Example: There are 6 unsigs in the collection that have 7 OC, and there are also 6 unsigs that have 36 OCs, so 7 OC and 36 OC unsigs will have the same rank.